How To Increase Computer Typing Speed ?

How To Increase Computer Typing Speed ?

Typing is the process of writing or inputting the text by pressing keys on typewriter, computer keyboard and cell phone. In day to day life, the fact typing is a most important skill, to save your time. Typing help you to work comfortably on the computer. Most of the students, peoples want to learn the "Touch Typing".

Touch typing is the method of typing where you should typing the keys without looking or simply by feeling the keyboard. The touch typing is done by standard QWERTY keyboard.

By the research, we can save our 21 days of the year by fast and accurate typing, if you work 10 hours everyday. Fast Typing is save lot of time in any computer work. Also by learning fast typing you get the confidence and  fun in doing any work or programming and make impact on others.


Your body posture make impact on your typing. If you keep your body posture as like following, then you not get stress on back and will increase your productivity.
  • Sit straight and always keep your elbows bend at the right angle.
  • Keep distance about 45 to 70 cm with face and screen.
  • Your wrists can touch to the table top in front of the keyboard.
  • And never shift you body weight to the wrists.

2. Fingers Position 

Finger position is main core of speed typing. In QWERTY keyboard you should keep your Fingers curve on the home row. Home row is row at which keep your fingers are always start from these keys and always return to them. In home row put your fingers on ASDF by right hand and JKL; by left hand. 

The colour coded keyboard helps you to understand the finger for the keys. When you typing imagine the symbols on the keyboard. You should always use your any one thumb to hit the space bar and pinky finger for thumb. But the during the pressing keys don't look the keys. Just slide the keys by your imagination. To learning the softness in shifting and recognition the key takes the time but it is standard way of typing. Home row finger position make the shifting time less and save the time. 


Practice is the only one way to increase the typing speed. At least daily you have to give 15-30 minutes.
The speed will increase gradually. You have consistency and patience. There are lot of platform on internet which gives the simple and step by step exercise. Also main things of those platform is the give you the analysis and level of progress.
Best typing learning and practice platforms are follow:


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