Math For Programmers

 Math For Programmers

Programming is all about the logic and numeric around them. Mathematics is main base of programming and one of the most important tool for programmers. Without the knowledge of mathematics programmer is incomplete. Mathematics is helps you to developed logic for programming. It is as like, you know English, but you don't know the grammar.
Majority of problems are based on the mathematical logic. The maths simply make the person more logical, creative, and intelligence. So in this article, we will talk about some of such topics.

Linear Algebra

Linear algebra is most important part of Mathematics which is often use in programming. It specially important for data scientists. Because matrices is widely use in representing the data in Machine Learning. In Linear algebra various terms are comes such as matrix, vector, identity matric, quadratic equations, transpose, inverse of matrix, linear transformation etc. All this parts if linear algebra are must for any programmer.


Calculus is also the another important part of mathematics which is used programming. It is use in an array of computer science areas, including creating graphs or visuals, stimulations, problem-solving applications, creating statistic solvers, and the design and analysis of algorithms and some software. Also during creating the of games we use calculus. It is also the part of machine learning. The interaction is modeled by the laws of physics which are eventually backed by heavy mathematics.

Binary Math

Binary math is the heart of computer operation and among the most essential types of math used in computer science. Binary is used to symbolize every number within the computer. The binary number system is an alternative to the decimal system. Using this system simplifies computer design. Reading and simple mathematical operations are vital for hardware low-level programming. Knowing how to work with a hexadecimal number system is necessary for various programming functions, including setting the color of an item. Standard arithmetic is utilized in numerous functions of computer programming. In nearly every written program, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division area used.

Boolean Algebra

Programming borrows several concepts of Boolean Algebra from mathematics. For instance, various logics like AND, OR, NOT, XOR & XNOR are all concepts of Boolean Algebra. They are all at the heart of understanding programming. Programming and mathematics go hand-in-hand. Eventually, every programming problem is an underlying mathematics problem where programming has been used simply as a tool to perform computation and obtain the output. Therefore, all programmers who aim to be successful should be well-versed in the mathematics related topics mentioned above.

Probability and statistics

Probability and statistics show up all the time. The entire domain of machine learning is based on probability and statistics. Each Machine Learning algorithm is modeled by an underlying probability distribution that generates the observed data.

Discrete Mathematics

Algorithms are the rules by which a computer operates. These rules are created through the laws of discrete mathematics. A computer programmer uses discrete math to design efficient algorithms. This design includes applying discrete math to determine the number of steps an algorithm needs to complete, which implies the speed of the algorithm. Because of discrete mathematical applications in algorithms, today’s computers run faster than ever before.
