What's programming language to learn first for beginners in 2021 ?

What's programming language to learn first for beginners in 2021 ?

The most important skill to learn in toady's world is how to write computer programs. Todays computer is entered in almost every industry. The programming and developer industry are also emerging at rate faster than ever other. Various new programming languages are coming up and the beginner is puzzled with the question, "What programming language should I learn ?"

What is programming languages ?

Programming languages are the languages which are used to communicate with computer. As like we are use our languages to communicate with other as like we use programming languages to communicate with the computer system. There are so many programming languages in IT world like C, C++, Python, Java, JavaSript, Kotlin etc.

In those languages have the set of instruction with specific syntax and form the code or program. Code tell a computer what action to take and give the output. Computer think in binary means in 1 and 0 and that is very difficult to understand by human. Programming language allow us to translate 1 and 0 inti some thing that human understand and write.

How to choose the programming language ?

There are about 700 programming languages. So for beginner it is difficult to choose First programming language. But after reading this article you will get right answer. Firstly all the languages are good at that place and they have some pros and cons. But we can select the programming language on the basis of some parameter which are given follow:
1.Ease of learning
2.Job market demand
3.Future of language
4.Your Interest

Best Programming Languages For Beginners


Python is a high level, general purpose programming language. It is most often than other languages and very simple to use. Python is always recommended if you are looking for Easy and fun programming language and beginner can learn it as First language. The syntax of python is very easy to understand as like English and it has no strict syntax rule.

print ("Hello, Python!");
This allow the basic knowledge of coding. It also help to improve programmer's productivity. Python played an important role in data science, machine learning and web development. Job opportunities foe python language is huge. Now a days, it is popular language. Also it support  huge community of programmers, who likely have answer of all your questions. Python is ideal for web development, graphics user interfaces(GUI's), and Software development. In fact, it was used to build instagram,  youtube, and spotify.

C Language

C language is a general purpose, middle level, popular, flexible and structured programming language. It is combination of both high level and low level language. It takes more time to learn but it give full conceptual clarity of how the programs work. If you learn C language you can easy learn C++ because C++ is the addition of C language. The syntax of C language is strict. In that if you not give semicolon at end of instruction it shows error. 

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
      printf("Hello, World! \n");
   return 0;

In C programming learning you will face lot of error and it make boring during programming. But also it is beginner recommended because it help to build strong programming base. It is used for scripting system applications which form a major part of windows, UNOX and Linux operating system.
