How To Improve Logic in Programming ?

 How To Improve Logic in Programming ?

Programming Logic is core and fundamental key to become good coder, programmer and developer. The programming logic is the implementation of way of solving any programming situation or coding questions. Many of the student getting frustrated when they not get logic in programming. Also they don't know how to solve the specific problems. You see the other programmers are the best coding and solving questions. As many times it happens that you understand the problem and you know the solution, but when you try to solve by own, you will stuck there.
There are so many problems are come during beginning and they give up and think "programming is not the my cup of tea". But the main core of these problem is logic building in programming. Understand there are no any short cut for becoming good programmer but some tips and smart techniques are required.

1.Clarity of Concept

Clarity of concepts is the base of logical programming. Before solving any question or writing code you should understand the concept behind that. Many students are not take understand the concepts and try for the question, so they stuck, demotivate and think "I can't do programming". It's a not right way. Without any background knowledge no one can solve problem. As the conceptual clarity is increase logical thinking of brain is also increase.

For clearing the concept you can take the help of youtube videos, online tutorials platforms, and your teacher. Those resources helps you improving concepts and the Logic.

2.Daily problem solving

Problem solving give the optimal way of getting programming logic. Solve the problem at most three to five times, go to the another questions. The main technique of solving problem is use pyramid method. Firstly solve the easy problems in high number, secondly solve medium or average level question of average number of questions and last solve difficult or competitive type questions of low number of questions. This is best and optimal and way of problem solving. 

By this way your challenges grow step by step. Also the brain not get stress and your brain has to prepare itself for new challenges to reduce the response time and get the logic in programming.

3.Solve problems in small chunks and write clean code

Firstly understand the problem and think about the problem carefully. By the understanding the problem try to solve in problem on paper. And make the small parts of the question. By the small chunks helps you to make the complex program into small, simple, manageable chunk.
Ex. For printing the triangle of star by for loop
In this question understand the Question make the chunks of the program.

1.The printing the spaces and write code for spaces
2.Print the left right angle triangle of right side
3.Print the left right angle triangle of left side 
The writing code clean is also impact our logic in programming. Use the comment in complex places which increase the readability. And you will understand again the this code. "The programmer write code can only under he/she, but the Best programmer write code understand anyone".

4.Learn Data structure and Algorithm

Programming is all about data structure and algorithm. Data structure are the fundamental of all programming language. That's you need good command on programming language and algorithm. Algorithm is the step which are taken to solve problem. Data structure make fundamental of programming and make the efficiency of program and further build the logic.

5.Make the project 

One of the most important thing that a beginners or experienced persons should follow to get better at programming logic is to make project. Working on real life project give experience. Make any kind of project such as app, web development. From the project you will learn how the workflow or project building work on. When you build a project, you go through lot of difficulties and you debug lot of problems that help in building the logic in program.


The practice is a crucial part of our life. If we want to have a better command over anything, then we need to practice the same thing again and again. And at some point, we get the perfection on something. The same rule applies to program logic. 

There are millions of algorithms in the world to solve easy to complex problems. It would be best if you practiced some of the most used algorithms to improve your programming logic. In this way, you get an idea of how to improve logical thinking in coding


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