How To Become Good In Data Structure And Algorithm

 How To Become Good In Data Structure And Algorithm

Data structure is the systematic way to arranged or organized data so that it can use efficiently. So the data structure is main part of learning programming. Algorithm is also the well defined steps for solving problem. By learning data structure and algorithm we get good and efficient approach to solve the coding problems. Data structure and algorithm is helps us to manage the memory space and time to run the program. There are many data structures and by understanding the knowledge of Data structure and algorithm you will able to choose the best data structure.

A lot of beginners are avoid learning data structure and algorithm because it is complicated and they thing it is not important. So the data structure algorithm is most important and without learning that you can't become best programmer or coder. But during learning many problems ,errors in programs are come and they become stuck. So that, in this article you learn the efficient way to become good in DSA.

The effective way to learn data structure and algorithm is depends on several factors are follows:

Knowledge of programming language

Before start learning data structure and algorithm, the learning any programming language such as C, C++, Java necessary to apply data structure and algorithm. Without learning programming language you will can't understand Data structure.  The concepts like loops, array, function, pointers, variables, structure, and dynamic memory allocation are most important to learn before learning data structure. Those are oftenly use in data structure. Because not clearing those concepts you face so many error in program. So must learn the programming language and there basic concepts before learning Data structure and algorithm.

Learning Resource

Resources are play most important role in learning any thing. You need tutorials ,lectures or books that helps us a lot. There are so many resources are available ,but selection from those is most important. Not only video lectures but also reading from book is also evenly necessary. The best websites and book are given below for learning data structure and algorithm.


1.Data structure and algorithm  made easy by Narsimha
2.Algorithm By Robert Sedgewick
3.Data structure through C in depth
4.Introduction to algorithm by Thomas H. Coremen


Practice of problem solving

Data structures and algorithm is used in apply on solving problems efficiently. So the daily problem solving is clear the concepts and improve the logic of data structure. by solving the problems gradually the efficiency, solving speed and experience for solving problems is increase. The platforms like hackerrank, hackerearth, Geeksforgeeks are give problems for solving.
