The person who can make web site by using web development skill is called Web Developer. Now a days the demands of web developer is increases because all the things in market are becoming online. Also the 2021 is big apportunity to learn web development. For becoming full stack web developer we have to learn FRONT-END and BACK-END.

Front-End Web Development

Front-End of website is the part where user can see and interact or client side development and development of that user intracting part of website is called the Front-End Web Development. For developing front end we use HTML, CSS, JavaSript .

Back-End Web Development

Back-End of website is the server of website and it focused on the how the site work and the development of server or backup is called Back-End Web Development. For that we use Languages PHP, Python, NodeJs , SQL, RUBY.

How the Front-End and Back-End Works

Both are work simultaniously with togather . The client-side is run by the browser and server-side is run by the server and database.
The client-base is taking responce store in server and database and the process give response to client. Because of programing languages the server is developed and make the website responsive with respect to user.

Becoming Front-end Developer

The First step is to learn HTML (hyperText Markup Language),which is not a programming language. It is Markup language used to make the structure of website.In that there are so many tags. From learning from beginer no need to learn HTML totally, because it make quite confusing in many topics.So for that we have to learn the HTML upto basic level. That basic level you can make the basic structure of web page. 

The Second step is to learn CSS(cascading style sheet).We can use the CSS internally, inline or externally.CSS make the website site designing with colours, fonts, images. As like HTML ,CSS is also the vast syllabus so for that we have to learn CSS only 80%.Because it is very difficult to learn full css for beginer.
For making the website design you should have idea about the designing or Graphics designing.Because CSS develop your webside but not make attractive design
without designing sence.

The Third step is to learn javasript which is programming .If you are new in that field so it will may be your basic programing language and you can start your programming journy. It can work as client site as well as server site. It makes the website dynamic and interactive.

During all the Steps you will automatically improve your website. At step by step you should start making the project to check the knowledge. And if you do not do some things so you also improve that by going previous to that step.

Becoming Back-end Developer

For Back-end developer you need programming languages such as PHP or NodeJs or Django/flask(python based backend framework).Backend helps browsers to communicate with data  base information
It is focused on database, sripting , web architecture.
1)PHP-Easy to learn,best for beginners and limited support of libraries.

2)NodeJs-Javasript which is you already know from frontend. Difficult to learn Javasript concepts like callbacks are used.

3)Django/Flash-It need to learn python. Include ORM,great set of python libreries.

Quick Diagramatic Roadmap


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