5 Ways to earn from programming in 2021

5 Ways To Earn From Programming In 2021

Lot of people start learn programming skills, coding, web development. But how to get money or chances of monetization from that skill is not know. And the beginners tend to struggle when earning from skill. And because of that many people are demotivate and there are chances to get lost and wastage of time. And that's why it is necessary to know different ways to earn from his/her programming skills.

There are lot of way to make money because programming is most valuable skill. And demand of programming is high, and the demand will increase in future also. For knowing about what is programming and website to learn programming check it out my article. For all upcoming skills you need focus, consistency, and patient. 


Freelancing is a best way of earning. There are so many opportunities in freelancing. Freelancing means
you are free to do any work at your appropriate time. In freelancing, if you want to become freelancer
you should have skill, and you laptop or mobile. The main thing is there is no need of go office,
no any pressure, and you can do your work as our convenient at home.

Freelancing is better way to showcase and express you skills. You can find your valuable client and 
work on the project suited to your skill which you learned. You can use freelancing platforms like fiver, freelancer, upwork, people per hour etc. In those platforms you have to sign and make attractive gig(proposal of your service) to give you your service. And after that start getting  orders and can make money from those.


Teaching is best way to earn and help to another by giving your programming knowledge. Most of the programmers after graduation ,start teaching. In society, teacher has great respect also. Not only classroom teaching but also online teaching is very good in now a days. You can join any classes or academy and can make your academy as a teacher. The main thing is that the quality of teaching. It you provide the best and valuable teaching and solve the difficulties of your student, definitely the no. of student will increase and you can make money by you programming skills.

Due to Covid-19 virus educational system is shifted towards the online. And many student are familiar with the online study. So you can start teaching online by creating lectures and uploading on Youtube, Udemy.


Becoming a blogger is another way of monetize your programming skills. Blogging is writing article on your website. By making blog you can earn money by your blog views. In your blog you have to select your interesting niche about your programming skills and start writing article or post on your blog. You can select any topic such as C programming and start writing. The blog, if you write valuable content
so gradually you will get earning. blogging utilise your programming skills to write article. 

In blogging you can make the blog by wordpress or blogger.com. In wordpress you need paid domain and hosting but in blogger.com you no need of paid domain or hosting. Blogger give you free hosting and domain. So the blogger is best way for beginners. In blogging the earning is come from advertisements by adSence account. If you get best views on your blog yo will get money from your advertisements. 

4. Create A product and give services

The programming skills are best skills for earning. The programmer can make applications, Websites, Software etc.  and so many things. If the programmer make products like apps, websites, he can make money from those. It need most work but it bring in most money. 

Your product should be useful and valuable to others. There are so many product in market such as facebook, whatsapp, amazon, flipkard etc. Those are service providing products. These companies are also struggle and make big in front of all over the world. You just make product and apply on small scale and make the conclusion and improve your service. Suppose you can make app and apply on your area if it works write ,increase the scale. Among all the things, you will need to learn digital marketing and proper way to promote your product.

5. Work at Company

Many people use this option reliable. It is the best way for earning after and before graduation. For Getting gob in any company you should go through from interview rounds and after that you will be selected. The most important thing for getting job is you should have work experience. Most of the companies gives training before joining the job. 
You can get work experience by doing internships during graduation period. You can do internships by online platform like Internshala,  LinkedIn . At internship you will get stipend. 
